Follicular monitoring is the specialized type of monitoring of the woman’s egg development.
Follicular monitoring is also called folliculometry or follicular study. Follicular study is best done by trans-transvaginal route. Trans-abdominal follicular study gives very poor results and is not recommended.
Follicular study is usually started on the 2nd or 3rd day of the woman’s periods. On this day, she comes to the fertility clinic and the fertility doctor does the first follicular scan. This scan is the baseline follicular scan. The aim of this scan is to find out the condition of the ovaries with respect to the number and size of the follicles. This is called anteral follicle count or AFC. AFC helps the fertility doctor in understanding the woman’s fertility in the present treatment cycle. Also, the fertility doctor also looks for the presence of ovarian cysts in the ovary. Ovarian cysts early in the cycle may lead to decreased fertility in the cycle. The doctor also looks for the uterine endometrium and other uterine factors that may affect your fertility treatment.
Based on the findings of the ultrasound, the fertility doctor begins your fertility treatment.
Follow-up ultrasound of the follicular study is done after 5 to 7 days as determined by the fertility doctor. The main aim of this ultrasound is to find out the fertility treatment progress. This progress is determined with the size and growth of the individual follicles.
The woman may be called again to the fertility clinic for further follow-ups as determined by the fertility doctor. This follow-up is done till the follicles reach 18mm in size. At this stage, these follicles are called as mature follicles. The doctor then gives treatment to rupture the follicles.
Sometimes, the doctor may call you for a follow-up scan to see if the follicle rupture is successful or not.
A good follicular study is the back bone of all fertility treatments and it is recommended that the follicular study should be done by the doctor who will give the treatment.